Justice updates in Mayan Languages

HomeJustice updates in Mayan Languages


Platform Canada of Guatemalans Exiled by State Terrorism, https://www.facebook.com/GuatemaltecosExiliadosCanada is promoting a collection of funds to develop a communication campaign in Guatemalan indigenous communities to inform them about developments in the trial of those responsible for the crimes registered in the Military Diary or Death Squad Dossier (MD).

Between the years 1983 and 1985, during the de facto government of general Óscar Humberto Mejía Víctores, the forced disappearance and extrajudicial execution of 183 people, including women and children, was documented in the MD by the forces of Guatemalan military intelligence. Some of the victims were union or student leaders, and members of revolutionary organizations which struggled for human rights and social justice in Guatemala.

After many years of demanding the return of detained-disappeared relatives, and judgment and punishment of those responsible, finally between May 27 and June 1, 2021, the Human Rights Prosecutor of the Guatemalan Public Ministry arrested 12 former military and police officials accused of committing forced disappearances, torture, rape, and murder of the people registered in the MD.

In the week of June 1 to 4, the preliminary hearing took place, in which Judge Miguel Angel Gálvez stated his decision, sending six of the defendants to trial for committing various crimes, amongst others forced disappearance, murder, attempted murder, and crimes against humanity. The judge gave three months until the next session (September 21), time in which the Public Ministry must complete its investigation.

Our campaign also has the goal of helping the families of victims to mobilize and attend the hearings, and to cover other related expenses. Both the funds needed for information dissemination in Mayan languages, and those above, will be channeled through the Committee for the Human Rights in Latin America (CDHAL), which can also provide a tax receipt if needed.

We rely on your spirit of solidarity and request your donation to make possible our goal of CAD $ 5,000.

Whatever amount of donation is welcome.

We thank you in advance for your help and solidarity.

Apoyo a víctimas y familiares de personas desaparecidas y asesinadas del Diario Militar

Informations personnelles

Détails de facturation

Total du don : 10.00$